The rise of the milky way
In your day to day life, many of you peoples ask your self a question why we are here in this universe what is our main purpose what is the meaning of life in your language? how this universe formed how our galaxy formed?
in a day to day life humans achieve all the things we discover new things many new theories formed let's talk about one of the famous theory of how our galaxy is formed
The Astro physicist of Northwest University confirmed that the half of the matter of our galaxy has come from distant galaxies due to this may be each one of us made with the different extragalactic matter.

By the use of super computer simulations, we are able to understand the whole process of intergalactic exchange the simulation show that supernova explosion ejects a copious amount of gas from galaxies due this atoms transfer from one galaxy to other galaxies due to intergalactic winds.
the transfer of matter due to intergalactic winds is a newly identified phenomenon which simulations enable us how galaxies formed.
it is difficult to analyze how much much galaxies involve in this intergalactic exchange and how much matter will be an exchange.we could consider our self as space travelers or extragalactic immigrants.
a famous astrophysicist Daniel Anglés-Alcázar, a postdoctoral fellow in Northwestern's astrophysics center, CIERA (Center for Interdisciplinary Exploration and Research in Astrophysics) who led the study. "It is likely that much of the Milky Way's matter was in other galaxies before it was kicked out by a powerful wind, traveled across intergalactic space and eventually found its new home in the Milky Way."
Galaxies are far apart from each other, so even though galactic winds propagate at several hundred kilometers per second, this process occurred over several billion years.
Professor Claude-André Faucher-Giguère and his research group, along with collaborators from the FIRE ("Feedback In Realistic Environments") project, which he co-leads, had developed sophisticated numerical simulations that produced realistic 3-D models of galaxies, following a galaxy's formation from just after the Big Bang to the present day. Anglés-Alcázar then developed state-of-the-art algorithms to mine this wealth of data and quantify how galaxies acquire matter from the universe.
By Swapnil Gupta
Tags: space news/latest space news/all about space
matter : physical substance which we can touch in general, as distinct from mind and spirit; (in physics) that which occupies space and possesses rest mass, especially as distinct from energy
Intergalactic winds :Galactic winds are floods of rapid charged particles frequently watched extinguishing of worlds. With paces of in the vicinity of 300 and 3,000 km/sec, these winds can either blow material out into the corona of the cosmic system, potentially to blend with the hot X-beam radiating radiance gas, or remove the issue from the universe totally to blend with the intergalactic medium. Galactic winds have two wellsprings of vitality: starbursts and dynamic galactic cores (i.e. the supermassive dark openings hiding in the focuses of generally cosmic systems).
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